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A Practical Activity

来源:yl34511线路中心 yl34511线路中心   日期:2021年11月25日 20:54  点击:  属于:专业设置

    Six students and two teachers had a  practical activity at 9 a.m. 


  The sky was blue, the sun was warm and the breeze was sweet. Then we met the lively and lovely children. In case of ensuring safety, we and the children met many animals we had never seen before. Though we felt tired, we gained a lot at the same time from this activity.  During the practical activity, we knew how to plan and implement an activity; how to solve some problems such as children's enthusiasm, and earnest; we understood it was necessary to pay attention from time to time and we'd better make preparations in advance to prevent emergencies when leading a group as a tour guide. 


   Through this practical activity, we know clearly about the working ability as a tour guide and have a clearer understanding of future development.

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